
Products that sucked summer 2016 round up

Products that sucked summer 2016 round up


What is a dolled up katy?

A dolled up katy is a new, limited edition, exclusive product that’s available only in a few specialty stores — like Design*Sponge and The New York Times — and at special promotions. It’s sold in the stores, but not online. In other words: it’s for sale in person only.

The main point of this post is to give you an idea of what we mean by “dolled up katy” and how that concept works out in practice.

The Rise of the Katydid

If you’ve ever seen a Katydid, you’ll know they’re not the most adorable of insects. They are a species that has evolved to survive in harsh and cold climates and that is found in the mountains of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. We take for granted that this is a fact about them: ants are known to have lost their ability to produce viable offspring due to the extreme cold climate they live in.

But it is important to remember that this isn’t just an isolated case — if we fail as a species, it will be because we lost our ability to adapt. The same thing happened when humans went from being hunter gatherers to farmers, which ultimately led to the extinction of most animal species (including us). If we don’t learn from history, we could be repeating it again as soon as you turn on your computer today.

The issue here is not about whether this will happen again; it’s more about what we can do now in order to mitigate the risk of such an event taking place. Unfortunately, very little has been done thus far — and there are many reasons for that:

• We have too many competing priorities that mean there is no time or budget for research or product development

• We haven’t developed a clear understanding of what our problems are or how we can overcome them (or at least some inspiration)

• There aren’t enough people who really understand what our problems are (and how they can be solved)

It’s easy to say “We need more research! We need more information! We need better products! We need better ideas! We need more funding!” But if you don’t have someone who understands the problem, who knows how your product could solve it, or who has access to funding, then try explaining it all over again — but make sure there is also someone with whom you can discuss how well your solution fits with their needs and vision before you go any further. And don’t forget: if people aren’t convinced by your vision or product so far, nothing else matters anyway — so work hard on building up an understanding of why even those people should be keen on your idea so far. But without listening carefully enough for signs that their needs may differ from yours (or like yours), you may end up getting nowhere with them at all – which would be even worse

The Unjustified Hate Towards Katy Perry

Who can forget the “Do U Look” video? Or “Part of the Point”? Or the “I Kissed a Girl” song (a long list follows, but that one is enough to give you an idea)?

As an avid fan of Katy Perry I’m sure you remember these songs. You probably also remember the hate towards her for being a pop star.

In a weird way, I wish it wasn’t so, because I think it impedes consumer awareness and understanding of what pop stars actually do. Even worse, it seems to make many people think that if they don’t like a pop star, there is something wrong with them. So let me say this: if you don’t like what Katy Perry does or who she is, don’t feel bad. Don’t feel bad even if you don’t understand the music or don’t have any personal connection with her because that just makes you more of a jerk (that already happens!)

And if you are made to feel bad for not getting behind someone because of their music, entertainment or activism – then good on you! It means that even though Katy Perry doesn’t perform traditional religious chants or cleanses herself at all times in order to be “pure”, nevertheless she has inspired others to do so and done so much more than most other religious leaders could ever hope to achieve.

In fact, I’d argue that pop stars aren’t really doing anything different in terms of their actions than religious leaders do in their own respective regions. They are just doing what they have always done – sometimes better and sometimes worse – without the barrier of religion (or lack thereof). Religious leaders only have one barrier: their own beliefs and morality (because religious morality is only relevant if you live in a particular place at a particular time). Pop stars have no barriers; they just happen to be amazing musicians and performers who happen to like performing in front of millions every year… which requires them to be out there in public all the time. And this is not an excuse for bad behavior or lack of accountability. There are still plenty of organizations out there who insist on strict adherence to high standards… well then how about high standards for themselves as well?

The Best Katy Perry Songs

Katy Perry is the latest artist to be on our list of the “Best Katy Perry Songs”, and we have some fun with it. You may have noticed a theme here: we love Katy Perry. We love her music (more than ever this last year), we love her sassy attitude, and we love her sense of humour. In fact, most people (including us) probably love her in some way or another while they are reading this post.

A few of these links will take you to her songs (which constitute over half of our collection) but many are just songs that you can enjoy while you read this post. Some will be familiar to you already, others will certainly be new to you, but all of them should bring you closer to Katy Perry as a person and an artist!

Here are some things that we think are worth mentioning about her:

The best thing about Katy is that she doesn’t sound like anyone else in pop music — she has a unique voice. And that voice can really shine when she sings about things other than herself (many people think it’s annoying when she does talk about herself — it takes away from the song). Some of these songs are actually about people who don’t even know Katy at all. But she doesn’t sing “I don’t know them either but I know them too” so much as “I don’t know them but I know me too well..that they might not like me let me get real here..I am not your average pint-sized pop star with braces…and I am not your typical girl/girl boy band…and I am not even your average girl/girl boy group…but I do make up for lost time with my creativity and this is just my opinion…and I am gonna be okay too!! ?????????? #KatyPerry #GoGirl #FridayFeeling


Topic: Why Do We Vigorously Punish Our Employees?

Subtopic: Punishing Employees for Mistakes

Keywords: productivity, punishment, reward

Text: While productivity is one of the cornerstones of any business or any organization, there is one area where productivity tends to decrease tremendously during times of turmoil and stress — turnover! It seems like every few months someone leaves


There are a lot of people who like to come up with new and creative ways of using things. There are a lot of people who love to talk about things that aren’t real. And there are a lot of people who prefer to talk about things that aren’t interesting.

There is one exception to this rule, however, and it is the English language. As much as I despise the fact that “English” is a bastardization of “Español”, there are times when we need to refer to something in English (rather than in Spanish or whatever). If you absolutely cannot say what you want in your native tongue, then by all means go for it. But don’t come up with some weird language construct out of desperation; if you want people to say what you want them to say, use the language they already know and love.

If you don’t think your product will resonate with other people because it is too new or too weird for their expectations… well… consider yourself lucky. You could be spending all this time thinking about what your product will do and not actually doing anything useful (the same applies if you think your product won’t help your customers make money). So try your best… but please don’t waste time on language constructs like dolled up katy:

I have a new favorite game: playing with dolled up katy. Every word you add to the end of a sentence, the game gets more difficult. For instance:

I am good at doing things on my own, like writing down notes.

This is a badly muddled sentence — I’m not good at “doing things on my own”, which would make sense if you’d read the context first. In that context, your best solution is to delete the “I” from it and change it to “I do” or something else. But if the sentence was originally written as:

Do I have a book on English grammar?

You get two choices here:

The second solution makes more sense; but let us suppose that we want to keep the original sentence intact and add an extra word here and there so it sounds more businesslike (and perhaps more exciting). When we do this we are changing our meaning too much — in fact we are altering it so radically that our original intention becomes confusing. We can change words only in order to correct misunderstandings and contradictions (avoiding ambiguity); but when doing this we risk making things worse in the process (and changing them too little will leave you with nonsense). How can we avoid this trap? Our best option is exactly what Firth did in his famous essay on what he called “the concise art of language counseling [sic]”—he drew his inspiration from his private teacher (who happened to be a violinist) who insisted that children should be taught by talking about music instead of listening to it — in other words, by speaking about music instead of playing it . . . . We should draw our inspiration from people who know how to talk about different kinds of art (music) rather than just play it or sing it. This means speaking about music rather than just listening to it; speaking about different kinds of music rather than just hearing any song on an instrument; and so forth—and thus take account of different forms of human communication when trying to create something new and unusual.

By carrying out this kind of creative thinking while paying attention both ways at once, Firth was able to create an entirely new way for English teachers to teach their students — they could talk about music instead of playing or singing! And this way they could use many formal aspects of language teaching simultaneously with their creativity — they could talk about