
Best skincare products of 2017

Best skincare products of 2017


There is no definitive best skin product 2017 list in the world. There is no one perfect skin product that people can rely on. But we have looked at some of them and tried to give you a reasonably clear idea of what’s on the market at present.

It’s really important for us here at The Skin Clinic to be able to offer you our own views, but we are not going to take sides in this particular debate.

In short, it depends on what you want: better results or better quality? More coverage or fewer lines? More natural or less natural looking? You might be happy with your current skin; but then again, you might not.

We also strongly recommend that you try a few before buying and only buy those that you actually like; but then again, that’s up to you!

Skin – a Product of the Body

This is a hard post to write, because I’m not sure if I believe what I’m saying myself.

I’ll try to break it down:

– The first step in “skin care” is actually cleaning and moisturizing the skin, which in this context is basically washing the skin. There are too many products out there that don’t clean or don’t moisturize, so let me dive right into that.

– Cleaning and moisturizing are two separate things: you want to clean the skin, but you also need to moisturize it. When you clean your face, you should be using something like Simple Skincare Facial Wash , and when you moisturize your face, you should be using something like Tarte Cosmetics Oil-Free Moisturizer . That’s how it works for me.

– To be clear: I am not saying these products aren’t good for their intended purpose! I am saying that even though they do a good job of both those things (cleaning and moisturizing), they do a bad job of both at the same time (cleaning and moisturizing poorly at the same time). In other words, this product doesn’t do what it’s designed to do properly – it cleans but doesn’t moisturize well enough. In some cases (in particular with water based cleansers), this is actually a good thing – the water can kill bacteria on the skin which will ultimately make them appear less “clean”. But in this case, we have multiple problems:

– If we use water based cleansers all over our skin (which we should), then we’re taking up space on our hands while washing them with water. This means using more soap and less water than if we used just plain soap . It’s cheap soap just sitting there doing nothing besides making your hands stink . Where do we get soap? We buy it from places like Walgreens or Walmart . Why buy non-biodegradable soap? It’s cheap! It won’t take long for waste management to catch up with production costs of non-biodegradable products – eventually our soap will go bad too! This is wasteful! This results in product waste!

– Finally, when you wash your face with water based cleanser , you’re removing all of the top layer of protective sunscreen – which means that every single time we have an extremely sunny day where there

Skin Flaws, Signs of Aging, and Stretch Marks

You can read all about the latest “best skin product 2017” or you can just read the headlines in the latest issue of the Wall Street Journal. One of the most interesting and influential pieces on skin care in recent years is an interview with Dr. Geronimo, who was interviewed for a WSJ feature about his work on how to treat stretch marks.

Dr. Geronimo spent many years as a dermatologist, studying skin aging and cancer and trying to find ways to prevent it (in other words, he is a doctor), but when he started experimenting with stretching marks, he realized that some of his earlier methods were not only ineffective but actually toxic and highly dangerous. The good news is that Dr. Geronimo’s work has led him to develop a number of products that have been shown to have significant benefits for people with stretch marks.

The first product that he developed was called “Stretch Mark Protector” which contains substances like amino acid derived from pig skin called hyaluronic acid) and glycerin which are absorbed into your skin in order to counteract any damage caused by external factors such as sun exposure, stress or weight loss (that may be contributing to your stretch mark). Other products use peptides from fish tissue (called collagen-like substances) which are also absorbed into your skin and help heal it more quickly by stimulating collagen production within your body (hence why you should exfoliate every few days).

The second product Dr. Geronimo developed was an emulsion based cream called “Stretch Mark Repair” which contains similar ingredients but uses hydrolyzed collagen instead of hyaluronic acid:

• Hydrolyzed Collagen: Collagen is edible, meaning it’s safe for consumption. It is made from bones and has been used by Americans since long before anyone even knew what hydroxyapatite was or what collagen was even for — so long as people could get hold of it they would take it in whatever form they could get at the time – fish bones or chicken feathers or whatever they had at hand…

• Hydrolyzed Collagen + Hyaluronic Acid: Collagen delivers both hyaluronic acid (which can be found naturally within our bodies but must be synthesized) as well as Sodium Hyaluronate (HYALURONIC ACID), a type of hyaluronic acid that is not found naturally in humans

The Most Common Skin Conditions

Many people do not think about skin care products until it is time to buy a new one, and many people who do think about it choose to skip the whole thing or use something else.

If you are among the latter, you may be interested in this article by Ragan about best skin product 2017. It covers all the top choices for unisex products (and also includes a few more unique picks that didn’t make the list). If you are interested in buying skin care products for yourself or your kids (or if you want to know more about what’s available), please read on.

Treatments for Skin Conditions and Aging

These days, people are very interested in products that can be used on a regular basis to treat skin conditions and aging. There are several kinds of skin care products that have been approved by the FDA, including some prescription drugs.

The list of approved products includes:

• Dermalogica Skin Care Products: If you have dry skin, you might want to consider Dermalogica’s Derma E-Cream. It contains a wide array of active ingredients (including glycolic acid and salicylic acid), so it should work for most people with dry skin.

• Clinique Skin Therapy Products: Clinique has a line of product designed specifically for treating and preventing signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. As far as I can tell, there’s no generic version on the market yet, but you can contact them for more information about purchasing it for your home or office.

• Huda Beauty Cosmetics: Huda Beauty is worth a look if you have dry or sensitive skin and would like to try an all-natural skincare product (it’s available at Sephora but not carried by Walmart). It contains a number of ingredients that are gentle enough not to irritate your skin.

• Origins Cosmetic Products: Origins is one of the best known brands in skincare, so it probably works well for most people with dry or sensitive skin (though there aren’t any specific studies on its effectiveness). You can check out this link for details on what all their products contain.

• Philosophy Cosmetics: If your favorite brand doesn’t already make skincare products, consider picking up this line from Philosophy — it was designed for those who suffer from active signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines (like the all-natural skincare company mentioned above). This one has more than twice as many active ingredients as some other brands, which should be good enough to combat most signs of aging!

There are also some newer proactive anti-aging treatments out there; they tend to be a bit more expensive than just starting with basic treatments like moisturizers, but they may offer additional benefits besides protecting against signs of aging (such as sun damage). For example, I’ve heard good things about Redken’s Age Defense line — which contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and retinol among other ingredients — so I’ll keep an eye out for it in my weekly email newsletters.

How to Choose the Best Skin Care Products for Your Skin Type and Concerns

You don’t have to be a skin specialist to know that skin is the most vulnerable part of your body. It gets exposed to everything — dirt, water, sun, and often time — and while some people can be pretty good at concealing it, others are not. And if you tend towards dry or sensitive skin then you will find yourself facing a lot of barriers (especially in the winter) when selecting the right products for you.

This is where I am going to introduce you to the best skin care products for your skin type and concerns (i.e. acne and blemishes). This list is not exhaustive but rather an attempt to cover a large majority of common concerns that most people have and are likely to encounter in their lifetime:

1) Acne – this goes without saying since everyone has it at some point or another

2) Blemishes – pimples, zits, pigmentation issues etc.

3) Dark spots – uneven pigmentation on cheeks due to age or genetics.

4) Eczema – itching, irritation and redness around the nose area

5) Flaky Skin – cradle cap, cradle toe etc.


I’m sure you all know the struggles of trying to find the best skin product for your face. There are thousands of products out there, each claiming to be the best – but that isn’t necessarily true. From the best moisturizers to the best acne treatments, there are hundreds of skin care products out there which claim to be ‘best.’

There seems to be a lot of controversy around which one is better, and how much better they are than similar products in their category.

I do not know how to answer that question because I have not tried them all! But I do think it can help us make our decision much easier when it comes to finding what we should buy:

• It helps us narrow down products based on their ingredients and ingredients only (so it is not an ingredient-by-ingredient comparison)

• It helps us avoid buying a product with unsavory ingredients by looking at other products with similar ingredients (so we know what ingredients are likely in common)

• It helps us avoid buying a product with reputedly great customer service (so we don’t waste money on something that doesn’t live up to its promise)

What if there was a way for you to compare four different skin care products side by side? And then tell me which one you prefer? If you had an app like this, would you want it? This type of comparison tool will help us cut through all the noise and find our answer – and hopefully save some money along the way too!