
beauty news alert sneak peak at too faced spring 2016

beauty news alert sneak peak at too faced spring 2016

1. Intro

In spring 2016, it was time to think about making some of our products look “spring”.

Our goal was to create a beautiful yet simple and functional new product which is easily understood, easy to use and fun to play with. We wanted the new product to be both beautiful and versatile, and we wanted it to be timeless (looking the same no matter what season).

This is what we came up with. Here’s how we did it:

2. Foundation

If you are one of the people who thinks you already know what spring 2016 makeup looks like, I have an idea for you: take a look at these pictures and see if they don’t make you think.

Each of these women is in their early twenties and each has been involved in some sort of professional activity for at least a couple years. You can see that their faces have been sculpted to be fine-looking, not just by makeup artists, but also by the amount of training they have gone through to learn how to do it well.

There is one slight difference between this and the “woman on woman” photos that often gets posted on social media (e.g., here or here). They are all female, so there is only one way to show makeup on a female face (but let’s not get into that here).

Those are all very different from each other in some way; but they all share that common trait of being used to wearing very specific types of clothing. So what do women in 2016 wear? Not much! Here is a few examples:

The first picture shows how simple it can be; the second picture shows how fancy it can be; and the third picture shows how much more interesting it can be when you layer layers of color and texture over another layer of white paint.

The thing about most fashion trends is that they aren’t so much about what we do as they are about why we do it; so when our society decides we should wear certain types of clothes, it seems like intuitively obvious reasons why we should might become less clear. And once we start looking these things up online, we see why this is true … or else why does nobody else see them? There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to what women choose to wear — unless maybe there really isn’t any rhyme or reason!

As someone who has spent years researching fashion (and published several books on the subject), I have a bit of an answer for all those people (and some others, too) who think there isn’t any rhyme or reason anymore:

Yes, there really isn’t any rhyme or reason anymore! Women wore similar clothing styles when I was growing up — not just male-specific styles like buckskins and bellbottom pants — but also styles that were more generic than sexes-specific like overalls and overall shirts. The clothes were never

3. Concealer

Back in the spring of 2015, I was feeling the need for a quick tutorial on making your own concealer. I’d used one or two products that seem to get some good reviews, but they are too thick and/or greasy for my liking. So, I took a look at the ingredients of one and found that it contained petroleum jelly (a substance I’m not keen on).

I ended up buying two kinds at Rite Aid to mix with water: a very light formula which is more of a liquid than a cream consistency and an opaque (but still watery) formula which is more of a powder-like consistency.

I tested them both out in the bathroom to see what made me feel better about using them. This is what happened:

The light formula worked better than any other concealer I’ve used – just enough coverage under the eyes to cover dark circles without looking cakey or oily. It was also easy to apply and didn’t crease or appear tacky under the eyes; if anything it blended well with my skin tone and seemed to blend into my foundation nicely (which is always important when applying makeup over foundation). The only downside was that it was quite difficult to blend into dark areas (underarms) where there was no light source. It also didn’t last long enough under my eyes; within five minutes of application, it seemed to be gone. The opaque product did pretty much exactly what you would expect from an opaque concealer: covered dark circles without appearing overly cakey or oily; it just wasn’t as easy to blend into my skin as the lighter formula but it lasted longer; and it provided a little more coverage than other products that contain “concealer” in their name (in this case specifically “concealer cream.”). If you have dry skin, you might want to read this post – in general, though, if you use an oil-based product for foundations as opposed to an oil-free one (in which case these would probably be your best bet), then this recipe may not work for you. But if you do have dry skin, or if your foundation doesn’t leave any obvious lines around your eyes after wearing makeup for several hours, then all might not be lost – just make sure you use something like this instead!

The organic version uses sunflower seed oil instead of palm oil – http://amzn

4. Powder

Over the last few years, I’ve been looking at a number of new cosmetic products and making recommendations. The most recent one is a powder that looks really promising: Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). MMS is derived from natural ingredients (minerals) that are not easily found in cosmetics and makeup. For example, there are no minerals in your typical foundation or blush.

I’ve also been seeing a lot of confusion around this product. In particular, people have been wondering whether it is for “normal skin” or for acne-prone skin.

To clarify, this product does not contain chemicals such as retinol or vitamin A — the two ingredients that make up retinol. It contains minerals-only (and because it is mineral based, it does not change how your skin feels or look). You can read more about it here .

5. Blush & Bronzer

It’s time to get your makeup done. You’ve been putting it off for years, now it’s time to just do it. It’s the season for spring 2016 makeup, and this is the moment to go shopping and get your face done.

One of the most important aspects of high fashion is professional grooming, and one of the biggest mistakes that students make is not doing their hair or makeup on a regular basis. Once you start getting into style and know what looks good on you, then you don’t need to do a second trip back to the hairdresser. Here are some tips for styling your hair and getting ready:

1) Hairspray: Spray on after blow drying, works wonders.

2) Longer Human Hair: Use human hair extensions (they’ll take anywhere from an hour to two hours depending on your length)

3) Hot Rollers: You can also go with hot rollers if your hair isn’t too long or if you have long hair like me 😉

6. Eyeshadow Palette

The beauty industry is very cyclical, and as such our makeup line is no exception. Product cycles are as much about the trend and the newness of things to us as it is about the quality of what we have and the costs involved to make them.

In this article I’ll take a look at some of my favorites, talking about what makes them great, why they were created and how we’ve evolved / changed / improved them over the years. We all know that there’s an ingredients component to makeup, but not all makeup ingredients are created equal — so let’s get into some specifics in this post!

So let me begin by saying: I love beauty! I love makeup in particular. And while I don’t do it every day anymore (and probably never did), I still seriously enjoy using it (and trying out new products). It feels like something that should be fun to do, right? So if you think about it, there are certain things that make for a good experience when using makeup; convenience is one of them. You can wear your favorite colors — or try a few different ones! You just put on your face; you work with your face; you cry or laugh or smile or eat or pee or whatever… (awww). But there’s nothing more satisfying than getting a great job done with a clean-cut face…

So here are my favorites:

1) L’Oreal Paris Infallible Pro-Vacuum Concealer — $3.80 at amazon

This stuff really works! It gives me smooth skin without making my pores bigger (which can be painful if you have acne-prone skin) and gives me a natural finish without looking fake. It also doesn’t break me out at all (though it has its own brand of problems), which is helpful if you want something that won’t irritate your skin either.

2) L’Oreal Paris Infallible Pro-Vacuum Foundation — $3.80 at amazon This product is definitely worth its price because it’s stabilized and provides coverage without looking cakey or unnatural (it’s also very affordable!). The foundation itself has great staying power on my oily skin so far and doesn’t look shiny even after multiple applications — even with heavy use! The powder version doesn’t give off any bad odor whatsoever when used on dryer skin… so that’s another plus for this product!

7. Eyeliner & Mascara

This is the first in a series of posts on our blog that will give you some hints on how to get the look we’ve been looking for for the spring season. We’ll be reposting them here as often as possible, so please do check back!

This week, we’re trying something new from our makeup line. Instead of using a liquid made from petroleum, we’ve developed a high-performance gel that dries to an ultra-smooth finish in less than a minute. It has become our most popular product, and it’s now part of our regular lineup, along with our #1 selling mascara.

We also released 2 new shades of lip color: dark cherry and light cherry. Both have a creamy matte finish and are very similar in that they dry in less than 1 minute.

For more information on these products and other items you might like to try, go here , here , here , here , and here . One thing you may want to know before you make your purchase is that they don’t expire if stored properly. If you put them into your purse or car without putting them into an airtight container (like an airtight plastic bag) then they’ll probably last for about 8 weeks – but only when kept cold! Please make sure your lip products are stored correctly:

Store at room temperature (no higher than 60 degrees). Do not leave them out of direct sunlight or store near heat sources such as hot water bottles or microwaves – this could cause damage to the product. Wait until just before applying before touching your lips with your finger or anything else sharp or pointed because if left wet on the lips it will deform/corrode the skin around them over time. Some people find that some lip products can get lost through normal walking/moving around their lips while wearing lipstick (such as when eating). This can happen even when wearing lipgloss – just be sure to take the time to apply it right after applying lipstick (after removing any previous color). If you have any questions about these products please feel free to contact us by email at . Thank you for reading!

8. Lipstick & Lipgloss

The lighted lipstick and lipgloss is a well-known trend that has recently become popular. The lipstick is as much about the texture, feel, and smell as it is about the color. These are small details that you can’t help but notice when you look at them in person. This post isn’t going to be about lipstick in general, but rather about the many different styles of lipstick available today.

We have a full guide to the different types of lipsticks on our blog:

There are many other items on this list as well: nail polish, nail polish remover, hair products, hair dryers… Icons from brands such as Chanel , Kate Spade , Louis Vuitton , and Marc Jacobs are just some of the brands that make up our list.

I’ve tried to go through all of these items in this post – in my opinion, because of its size it will take more than one post to cover everything – so if there are any questions or comments you can post them here!


#2 (old)

#3 (new)